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Area directors have earned their salaries

I am confident my tax money has been spent wisely (and frankly, sparingly)

Area directors have earned their salaries

Re: “Time for election candidates to return CVRD salaries”, (Citizen, May 17)

In contrast to Mr. Dumont’s suggestion, I have no desire to have my tax dollars, which were spent at the same time as the provincial election campaign period, “refunded”.

Area Directors are paid $29,498.50 annually, or $1,134.57 every two weeks. If this position was based on a 35 hour work week like many full-time public employees, that would be $32.42/hr, which is incredible value for an employee in a role requiring such skill, knowledge, ability and qualification.

From what I understand, have heard and have seen of my Area B director, Sonia Furstenau, she is “on” from morning to night (and even into the night) and does not have the luxury of “punching the clock” to signify the end of a work day.

Making a quick stop at the local library, attending her children’s school concert or any number of errands that us “regular folk” do is not done in isolation. On these occasions, constituents very often approach her to offer feedback, follow-up on an issue or discuss a concern. Most who have seen her in action, would agree that Sonia puts in significantly more than 35 hours/week, perhaps triple or quadruple those hours, all to the significant benefit of this community.

I am confident my tax money has been spent wisely (and frankly, sparingly) in compensating my area director because I know she has earned it throughout her term.

Gaileen Flaman

Shawnigan Lake