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Bike lanes on Government not needed

I don’t know what our planners are thinking: road changes.

While reading Mark Williams letter to the editor (Duncan planning substandard) I could only concur. I don’t know what our planners are thinking.

When I saw the medians being torn up on Government Street I thought we were finally going to get some proper paving done. This is after all a busy thoroughfare that has been patched and re-patched for many years leaving it a rough ride and an eyesore.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that the removal of the medians and construction of new islands was only to widen this road to allow for a bike lane to be positioned. Now we have lines and multiple bicycle shaped stencils painted from the traffic circle at Gibbins through to downtown. We also now get to see and negotiate the rough ugly road areas that were previously covered by the old traffic islands.

I drive this road multiple time each day and can count on my fingers and toes the number of times I have seen anybody ride a bike down this road. What is the cost for all the painting, signage, median removal (and the disruption of traffic for all those weeks) for a bike lane? You really should have just paved the road — it would have benefited many more of our citizens.


Mike Welsby
