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Letter: Nature school only choice for children

Our child’s complex disabilities mean he cannot function in a traditional school environment

Nature school only choice for children

I was writing to add some commentary on the Mill Bay Nature School story.

My family is one of the multiple families for which this school is our only option. Our child’s complex disabilities mean he cannot function in a traditional school environment. There’s multiple other children in the same position, who have tried traditional schools and it hasn’t been a safe or inclusive option. Losing this flexible school environment will mean the end of their school career.

We have tried to express this to the board, and have been met with “oh every school includes every child”, which, I’m sure everybody knows is very much untrue. There’s a huge lack of inclusive options for disabled kids across B.C., so many families are being forced to homeschool, and now these families will be added to that pile. We’d really love help spreading this information and getting some change within our system in any way possible.

Emily Doughty
