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We must reconsider our Canadian values

I am concerned that we Canadians are overdoing this business of being nice and extremely tolerant.

Re: “School district discriminating against conservatives and Christians”, (Citizen, Dec. 2)

I fully support Perry Foster’s letter on the above.

I am concerned that we Canadians are overdoing this business of being nice and extremely tolerant. We (Canadians) need to reconsider our values and re-learn to hold true to our roots. Kudos to you Perry Foster. Well said.

When we stop singing ‘O Canada’ in our schools we are treading over our rights to ensure others are not offended. It would seem our rights are being eroded.

We have graveyards full of our Canadian soldiers who have fought for our rights. We should be reluctant to just simply give them up to appease the feelings of others.


Bill Thorp
