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Collection looking for new home

Unfortunately we have been forced to close our museum and site tours forever
The collection chronicling the history of Bamberton deserves more than to be relegated to permanent storage

Maureen Alexander Special to the Citizen

The Bamberton Historical Society, a registered society and charity, would like to thank all the wonderful people who have supported our many activities over the last 10 years.

Unfortunately we have been forced to close our museum and site tours forever, as the new owners of the Bamberton land want the premises vacated by Sept. 30.

Bamberton is considered by the B.C. Archives to be one of the most important industrial sites in B.C.’s history and through the tireless efforts of the BHS volunteers this history has been shared with nearly 10,000 people who have visited the site over the past eight years. Live historical theatre, two documentaries, a book and dozens of community presentations have spread Bamberton history far beyond the Cowichan Valley.

The BHS holds the only archives and artifacts of this amazing history. These are extremely valuable because they are the only ones in existence and date from 1911. These archives and artifacts are currently being moved to a storage unit but the BHS is hoping another location can be found so this important history can again be shared with the public and preserved for future generations.

For further information please contact Maureen Alexander at


I want to stress we have never received any funding from the CVRD. The majority of our funding has come from Heritage Canada, and other donations which are a result of my writing dozens of grant applications every year.

The bottom line is the Bamberton Historical Society needs a location for our artifacts and archives. Combining the BHS with the MBMHS is not an option because the MBMHS, as you know, is located in a building that is for sale and we will be expected to vacate when it is sold.