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New group sought to take over Cowichan's annual Garden House book sale

Organizers Jackie and Jim Barker moving on to other challenges
Organizers are looking for a new group to take over the annual Garden House book sale.

The organizers of the Cowichan Valley’s popular annual Garden House book sale are looking for a local group to take over running the event.

Cobble Hill’s Jackie and Jim Barker have been in charge of operating the Garden House book sale for almost 17 years, but the couple said they have decided that it’s now time to move on and channel their abundant energy into other pursuits.

They said that when they began the book sale, their goal was to raise $25,000 in five years to help Cowichan Valley organizations that supported families in crisis and animals in need, and they were surprised and delighted when their goals were met and surpassed.

“This year, $4,500 was given to the Duncan branch of the BC SPCA, as well as Cowichan Women Against Violence,” the Barkers said. “Grants continued to be given during the COVID-19 pandemic and have consistently increased, partly because of each year’s sale proceeds, but also because of the interest that accrued through the Victoria Foundation [the Garden House Foundation is a fund held at the Victoria Foundation]. In total, since 2008, the Garden House fund raised approximately $340,000. Today, after expenses and the $80,000 given in grants, the permanent fund sits at $231,861 and continues to grow. A few years ago, the fund’s interest began surpassing the book sale’s gross earnings, and this year it was about double that.”

The Barkers said that one unanticipated result of the book sale is that it has become a community event that draws people together.

“We always get to see so many people we have known for years, and enjoy having a chance to catch up and remember shared experiences,” the couple said. “Every year, we have noticed many people who appeared to be connecting in the same way. This makes our decision especially poignant and we will greatly miss the camaraderie. We know it’s hard to learn that something you look forward to is just up and ending, so we are committed to doing our best to seek other avenues for the sale to continue.”

The latest Garden House book sale, which saw more than 20,000 used books for sale for between 50 cents and $3, was held in October at Bonner School in Mill Bay, and saw more than 100 South Cowichan students and staff from Bonner School and Brentwood College lending their energy to help set up and dismantle the sale, as well as dozens of other adult volunteers.

The Barkers said they will be exploring the possibility of passing the books and organizational materials to any local group wishing to hold an annual charity book sale in the Valley.

They said there are currently 600 boxes of books in storage, including flats, waiting for the next sale.

“We are mindful that they have all been donated with the expectation of raising funds for local organizations, so every effort will be made to make sure that the books raise funds for that purpose,” the couple said.

“We will be meeting with a group from the Cowichan Valley in January and have a lead on another upcoming venture, both of which would continue to further the goals of supporting struggling families and animals in our valley. We would prefer that someone else just took over the whole thing and carried on the same.”

For more information, visit or call 250-743-4627.

Robert Barron

About the Author: Robert Barron

Since 2016, I've had had the pleasure of working with our dedicated staff and community in the Cowichan Valley.
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