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Murphy keeps MS Walk Smyelin Together

Jill was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in May of 2010.

She is very strong-willed and takes on her struggles quietly, one day at a time, with the help of her family and friends.

While surfing the MS Society website, Jill came upon information on the MS Walk and thought this would be something she could do to help make a difference.

As Jill stated, "By joining the MS Walk I felt I would be helping to bring awareness and funds." She added, "And to maybe one day be able to say, I used to have MS. That would be cool."

In 2012 she formed an MS Walk team and was pleasantly surprised by the support she received when she asked her family and friends to join her.

This will be the third year team Keep Smyelin Together participates in the Duncan MS Walk. In the first two years her team of over 15 family and friends has raised over $7,800! The MS Society's mission is "To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis and enabling people affected by MS to enhance their quality of life."

Since its founding in 1948, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has acted as a key partner to the MS research community. The MS Society currently provides over $10 million per year to MS research and is the single largest funder of MS research in Canada.

The Society provides programs and services to help those affected by multiple sclerosis to achieve the highest possible quality of life while living with the daily challenges that MS presents.

The Duncan MS Walk is a family oriented event. All routes are wheelchair accessible.

For more information or to register go to www.mswalks. ca or call the local MS Society office at 250-748-7010.