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North Cowichan gets $500K for new multi-use trail

North Cowichan gets $500K for new multi-use trail

The new 1.6-kilometre trail will run from the Dike Trail Terminus to Drinkwater Road East
Colin John in court again this summer

Colin John in court again this summer

John accused of second-degree murder of Derek Descoteau in May
Large wolves spotted near Lake Cowichan

Large wolves spotted near Lake Cowichan

Two large wolves were reported traveling along the old Lake Cowichan Road over the weekend
Family rescued in Cowichan Bay

Family rescued in Cowichan Bay

Several people tossed into the water during a crab-fishing trip tossed into the water and saved by whale-watching boat
CVRD to issue RFP to assess Saltair community centre

CVRD to issue RFP to assess Saltair community centre

Once a company is hired, the regional district’s decision makers will await a report.
Cowichan Valley candidates: Education crucial to B.C.’s future

Cowichan Valley candidates: Education crucial to B.C.’s future

Provincial candidates feel more can be done to guide students to educational success.
Residents throughout the Cowichan region have successfully reduced their water use in 2016

Residents throughout the Cowichan region have successfully reduced their water use in 2016

Cowichan Bay leads the pack, reducing its water use by 31 per cent last year
19-year-old Cowichan woman needs cash for life-saving surgery

19-year-old Cowichan woman needs cash for life-saving surgery

Natalie Williams is close to having a life-saving liver transplant in Vancouver.
Mother of Tyeshia Jones loses phone containing precious memories

Mother of Tyeshia Jones loses phone containing precious memories

Public asked to assist in phone’s recovery
Man arrested in house that had been broken into

Man arrested in house that had been broken into

William Thomas Holmes, 32, was arrested March 19 at approximately 5 p.m. while still inside a house that had been broken into.