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City of Duncan idling ticket unfair

Duncan - I am deeply disappointed in the City of Duncan! I was in town the other morning as the house I am renting was being shown to potential buyers, which means I had to bring my dogs with me. And while I was in town I had to run in to the bank.

Not only do I respect my animals enough to leave them water, I left my car on for a mere five minutes. Within this time I was written a ticket for idling in town. Seventy-five dollars to be paid in 14 days, $100 before 28 days and $125 after 28 days.If I chose to leave my dogs in the car without it on I would have been given a ticket for animal neglect.Did I mention there are no signs stating no idling in the city of Duncan? How do you follow the rules of the road if you aren't notified of them?Nicole GollingerDuncan