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Eagle poacher won't get their hands on this bird

Cowichan Station - Someone murdered a beautiful adult bald eagle on my property, part of a mating pair as the distressed mate has been circling my place for 24 hours.

This bird was probably shot yesterday when my partner heard a single gunshot very close to our home, then could not stop our dogs from running to a back corner of their enclosureand barking. My horses all spooked and would not go near the far end of their pen as something was frightening them.I took my dogs out to the area they had been pointing to and there he was, huddled under a large bush, a magnificent bird with a large bullet wound to the back of his right shoulder. I do not know if he was alive and struggling overnight while his mate kept watch and the dogs barked; if he was, he suffered terribly and my heart breaks to think of it.So, to the unspeakably brutal and ignorant person who did this, you will never retrieve any of his feathers or whatever other part of him you thought you needed more than he did. You saw something beautiful and destroyed it, for what?Carole WilliamsCowichan Station