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Mayor and council responsible for blunders

North Cowichan - New mayor and council needed is an understatement. It should be pointed out that 51 per cent is a mathematical majority but it should not have been considered for a pool that we cannot afford!

We, the taxpayers of North Cowichan are paying $200 plus per year per household and the present mayor thinks it's a good deal to have people from other electoral areas pay pennies on the dollar per household, to enjoy the same benefits.This pool should not have been built without the full cooperation of the other electoral areas, nor should it have been built with construction costs at such a premium due to theOlympic Games.This is the same mayor and council responsible for the stripping of Mount Tzouhalem thus creating a broom factory and to make matters worse, they put a roundabout on the top of the mountain with virtually no traffic!Another point, why would anyone give a building permit for a golf course knowing that they had no water source? This is the same council that gave Catalyst the huge tax break on the backs of their constituents. The mill is doing well now and they aren't giving anything back. Why did we pay $1 million for the turf on the soccer field? Is it any wonder our taxes have doubled in the last 10 years? This is totally out of control.Everything this council has done is a knee jerk reaction.They decide no more boats anchored in Maple Bay, there was no consultation and when challenged they back down immediately.A week before Halloween this same council decided that no one would be issued permits to use fireworks; most responsible people that wanted to use fireworks would have purchased them in advanced of this decision. When challenged on the merit of this bylaw, they back down. I could point out many more blunders but my point has been made. Incompetence has run rampant with this mayor and his inner council. We need a change.J. Robertson NorthCowichan