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Parking lot changes unnecessary

Crofton - Alex Currie and Steve Parson are right on the money (our wasted tax money, that is) in their criticism of the current work being done on the Waterwheel parking lot.

The old parking lot was just fine as it was. Space for cars, space for tour buses and a nice open lot which was easy to navigate. Now we are spending tons of money to reduce the number of spaces and put in obstructions to make it difficult for all vehicles to get around in the lot. Sometimes I think the council figures out what makes sense and then makes a point of doing the exact opposite just because they can. I have lived all over Canada during my working life and never encountered such a wasteful local government that displays such contempt for their citizens and such poor decision making. Is this somebody's "legacy project"? (Like the white elephant swimming pool, perhaps).Before I cast my vote I plan to learn which council members voted for this parking lot debacle and be sure to leave them off my selections for the new council. Let's work together as voters to get rid of the tax and spend mentality that has seen our property taxes rise through the roof.Wayne AnannyCrofton