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Recycling bins should be put back in place

Mill Bay - I offer a loud HEAR HEAR to Mr. Blackmore's letter in the Oct. 1 Citizen regarding recycling bins and the need for their return.

I was not surprised, but hugely disappointed when they were removed, ostensibly due to misuse. I suspect there was more to it than that.I saw nothing wrong with the gentlemen who went through the contents of the bins collecting things they fact it got to be a place to drop off my empties.I fail to see how they could have been viewed a nuisance by anyone.We are always going to have to deal with some people's swinish behaviour, and here's one example.I'm happy to pay for the convenience of not having to haul my recyclables (the stuff that is either unacceptable or will not fit into my "tote" - try getting rid of glass properly now) to either Bing's Creek or Fisher Road, even if I subsidize a few lowlifes who dump their "garbage" (nothing else to call it) at the bins. We can either get rid of it after it's dumped at the bin locations or collect it from the ditches.Gary PaulMill Bay