UPDATE July 19:
There's been some improvements on wildfires burning around Mabel Lake.
BC Wildfire Service reports the blaze near Enderby 10 kilometres south of Kingfisher is under control at .009 hectares.
The Cottonwood Creek blaze is an estimated .42 hectares and is out of control.
Both of the above fires were sparked by dry lightning and discovered July 18.
Closer to Lumby, the Jack Creek Road wildfire is held at .4 hectares. It was lightning caused.
One of the other fires reported Thursday afternoon closer to Lumby, Ireland Creek, has been removed from the wildfire map.
Further east there are two wildfires near Sugar Lake: Sitkum Creek at .5 hectares and Outlet Creek FEST at 10 hectares - both are out of control.
The situation is worse in the Kootenays.
There are 10 spot-sized fires this side of the Columbia River, and another five just east of the river.
There are many more closer to Nakusp, Slocan Lake, Meadow Creek and between Howser, Poplar Creek and Trout Lake.
Four wildfires have been discovered near Mabel Lake east of Enderby Thursday, July 18.
All fires are spot-sized at .009 hectares and were discovered after 11 a.m.
The latest was discovered ata Jack Creek Road location southeast of Mabel Lake.
One of the other fires was discovered after 1 p.m. near Ireland Creek, north of Lumby.
Another is located 10 kilometres south of Kingfisher on the west side of Mabel Lake while the fourth fire is on the east side of the upper arm of the lake, near Cottonwood Creek, according to the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS).
There are also two new wildfires burning east of Sugar Lake. One, near Outlet Creek forest service road, is four hectares in size while the other, near Sitkum Creek, is .5 hectares. Both were discovered around 1:30 p.m.
All the fires are currently classified as being out of control.
BCWS says the fires are believed to have been caused by dry lightning strikes.
This story will be updated as more information becomes available.