Notice is hereby given, that the District of North Cowichan, pursuant to Sections 26 and 94 of the Community Charter, intends to dispose of land that is not being made available to the public for acquisition.
The land to be disposed of, by way of a statutory right of way (SRW) to BC Hydro, is located at the corner of Ford Road and Drinkwater Road, legally described as Lot 1, Plan EPP128531 as outlined in bold on the map.

In consideration for the SRW, BC Hydro will pay all costs associated with completing the registration of the SRW on title with the Land Title and Survey Authority of BC. The SRW is required to provide utility services to the new Ford Road RCMP facility.
The Approving Officer will consider the execution of this SRW for the District of North Cowichan following publication of the required notice.
7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Duncan, BC V9L 6A1
T 250.746.3100