NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Bylaw No. 4480 – Applicable to Electoral Area A – Mill Bay/Malahat Bylaw No. 4481 – Applicable to Electoral Area D - Cowichan Bay (Upland) Bylaw No. 4486 – Applicable to Electoral Area A – Mill Bay/Malahat and Electoral Area C – Cobble Hill |
Notice is hereby given by the Cowichan Valley Regional District that a Public Hearing will be held electronically on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. by delegates of
the Board of the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) to consider three proposed Bylaws:
- CVRD Bylaw No. 4480 – South Cowichan Zoning Amendment Bylaw (3280 Trans-Canada Highway), 2023.
- CVRD Bylaw No. 4481 – Electoral Area D – Cowichan Bay Upland Zoning Amendment Bylaw (PID: 009-141-600 and PID: 009-142-738), 2023.
- CVRD Bylaw No. 4486 - Electoral Area A - Mill Bay/Malahat and Electoral Area C - Cobble Hill – South Cowichan Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Suites Amendment), 2023.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4480
Subject Property: 3280 Trans-Canada Highway (as shown on Map 1)
Legal Description: LOT A, SECTION 9, RANGE 8, SHAWNIGAN DISTRICT, PLAN 43278 (PID: 003-027-147)
The purpose of proposed Bylaw No. 4480 is to amend the South Cowichan Zoning Bylaw No. 3520, 2012, by amending Section 9.1 A-1 Agricultural Resource 1 Zone, to allow the site-specific use of “poultry processing” on the subject property; as well as portable shipping containers as accessory agricultural structures. The definitions for “poultry” and “poultry processing” will be added to Section 3.1 Definitions within the Zoning Bylaw.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4481
Subject Property: Lot 3 Koksilah Frontage Road and Lot 14 Francis Street (as shown on Map 2)
Legal Description: LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SECTION 12, RANGE 7, QUAMICHAN DISTRICT, PLAN 341 EXCEPT PART IN PLANS 37415 AND 1036RW (PID: 009-141-600) and LOT 14, BLOCK 3, SECTION 12, RANGE 7, QUAMICHAN DISTRICT, PLAN 341 (PID: 009-142-738)
The purpose of proposed Bylaw No. 4481 is to amend the Electoral Area D – Cowichan Bay (Upland) Zoning Bylaw No. 3705, 2013, by adding ‘liquor retail sales’ as a site-specific permitted use subject to a 2 metre interior side parcel line setback for principal uses.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4486
Subject Properties: all land in a zone where suites or accessory dwelling units are a permitted use within Electoral Area A – Mill Bay/ Malahat and Electoral Area C – Cobble Hill.
The purpose of proposed Bylaw No. 4486 is to make it easier for some properties to have a secondary suite or accessory dwelling unit. This will be accomplished by reducing the minimum site area of land required in order to have a suite or accessory dwelling, from 1 hectare downward to 0.5 hectare for parcels with their own water supply and from 0.4 hectare downward to 0.2 hectare for parcels which are connected to a Community Water service as defined in Zoning Bylaw No. 3520.
Bylaw No. 4486 also corrects a typographical error in the Zoning Bylaw regarding internal regulation cross-references.
Written submissions can be delivered to the CVRD as follows:
Drop-Off: 1st Floor (Reception), 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC
Mail: Land Use Services Department, Cowichan Valley Regional District, 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8
The deadline for written submissions is 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. Please include your name and address in your submission. Prior to the Public Hearing, all submissions are placed in the Public Hearing Binder located at the Cowichan Valley Regional District Land Use Services Department front counter, and posted online at, for viewing. All submissions will form part of the Public Hearing record. Please note that personal information, including phone numbers and email addresses should not be included in your submission, and other information protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, will be redacted before being published online by the CVRD.
The Public Hearing will be held electronically. For instructions on how to participate via computer or phone, please visit our website: or phone 250.746.2500 (please try to call before 12 p.m. on the day of the Public Hearing).
On the day of the Public Hearing, if you experience technical difficulties joining or participating in the Hearing, please call 250.746.2500, extension 2222. A CVRD staff person will be available to provide technical assistance starting from 4:30 p.m. on the day of the Hearing until the close of the Hearing.
Please note the Public Hearing is not a question and answer session. The purpose of the Public Hearing is for members of the public to state their opinions on the proposed Bylaws. Copies of the proposed Bylaws and other documents that may be considered by the Board in determining whether to adopt the Bylaws, are available for public inspection online at; and at the Cowichan Valley Regional District Land Use Services Department front counter 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, from May 18, 2023 to May 30, 2023, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
Decisions concerning the adoption of the proposed Bylaws will not be made available until the record of Public Hearing is received and considered by the CVRD Board. Please be advised that the CVRD Board cannot receive public submissions following the close of the Public Hearing.
Michelle Pressman, Manager, Development Services Division, Land Use Services Department, Telephone: 250.746.2620 or 1.800.665.3955