The Director of Planning and Building gives notice that a Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, to allow Council to receive public input on Bylaws No. 3916 and 3918. As authorized by the Local Government Act, these hearings will be conducted by electronic means and members of the public will be provided an opportunity to be heard verbally or by submitting their comments in writing in advance of the hearing. This hearing will be conducted by video conference using the Cisco Webex platform, and though electronic, is open to the public and anyone wishing to participate may do so in person by attending Council Chambers, or by joining the meeting using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. If you wish to participate electronically, please visit for instructions on how you can join this hearing and find the link to join. You may also view the hearing as it is streamed live by going to and click on the ‘View Live Stream’ link. A copy of the recording will be made available after the hearing on North Cowichan’s website for on-demand viewing.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3916 (10029 Beach Drive), 2023 proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw 1997, No. 2950 by reclassifying 10029 Beach Drive (PID: 004-788-036) from Residential One and Two-Family Zone (R3) to Infill Residential Neighbourhood Zone (R3-N).
The purpose of the Zoning Bylaw Amendment is to allow for a detached accessory dwelling unit on the subject property (PID: 004-788-036) as shown outlined in bold on the map.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3918 (3208 Cook Street), 2023 proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw 1997, No. 2950 by reclassifying 3208 Cook Street (PID: 005-983-681) from Residential One and Two-Family Zone (R3) to Residential Small Lot Single-Family Zone (R3-S).
The purpose of the Zoning Bylaw Amendment is to facilitate a 2-lot subdivision to allow for small lot residential development on the subject property (PID: 005-983- 681) as shown outlined in bold on the map.
If you believe your interests in land will be affected by either of the proposed bylaws, you are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to Mayor and Council by 1:00 p.m. on Monday, August 14, 2023, using any of the writing methods identified below. Comments may also be shared verbally during the Public Hearing, by following the instructions provided below.
1. In Writing in Advance of the Public Hearing:
Written submissions will be accepted by:
- Email to
- Mail to Mayor and Council, Municipality of North Cowichan, 7030 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan BC, V9L 6A1
- Fax to 250-746-3133
- In-Person deposited through the mail slot at the Municipal Hall, Main Entrance
2. Verbally or in Writing at the Public Hearing:
- In Person by attending Council Chambers at Municipal Hall, 7030 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan BC.
- Virtually by logging in electronically, details and instructions will be available at least one week prior to the Hearing at
- Written submissions may be submitted during the Public Hearing by presentation to the Corporate Officer or her designate.
PLEASE NOTE: Submissions should reference the bylaw number and include your name and the civic address or legal description of the land affected by the proposal. Please be advised that all submissions, including the individual’s name and address will form part of the public record and will be published on North Cowichan’s website. Do not include any personal information in your submission that you do not wish to be disclosed, as submissions received are public documents and will not be redacted (with the exception of email addresses on electronic submissions, phone numbers and signatures). Written submissions will not be accepted after the conclusion of the Public Hearing.
Copies of the bylaw and related documents, including public comments received in writing, will be available to inspect online at until the close of the Public Hearing. The documents may also be inspected in the Planning Department at the Municipal Hall, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from July 31, 2023, until close of business on August 16, 2023.
Rob Conway, Director of Planning and Building
Personal information is collected by North Cowichan under the authority of s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering the Public Hearing. Please direct any questions about personal information to North Cowichan’s Privacy Officer by
Phone: 250-746-3116,
Email: or
Regular Mail: 7030 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan, BC, V9L 6A1
7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Duncan, BC V9L 6A1
T 250.746.3100 F 250.746.3133