TAKE NOTICE THAT the Trustees of the Cobble Hill Improvement District intend to upgrade waterlines along Fairfield Road between Fisher Road to the CVRD park boundary, Watson Avenue between Fairfield Road and Fisher Road, and Fisher Road between Watson Avenue and Holland Avenue. The purpose of the project is to achieve residential fire flows throughout the current system.
AND THAT to finance the said works the Trustees propose to borrow a sum not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), repayable at prime plus 1% not later than ten (10) years from the date of issue. It is estimated that the borrowing will result in a tax increase of $200 per year for each property within the District. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that assent of the land owners will be deemed to have been received 30 days after the last publication of this notice, unless counter petitions against the proposed have been received by more than 10% of the eligible electors. It is estimated that 38 land owners would be required to petition against the proposal. Counter petitions are available on the Cobble Hill Improvement District website cobblehillimprovementdistrict.com, or same may be picked up from the Shawnigan Lake Community Centre, 2804 Shawnigan Lake Road, during regular business hours.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in order for an elector response against the proposal to be deemed to have been received within the 30-day time period ending August 10, 2024, it must be received by first class mail at the following address:
P.O. Box 1027, Cobble Hill, BC V8H 4C9
AND THAT this ad is the first of two publications of this Notice dated this 4th day of July, 2024