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All levels of government should be concerned with microwave radiation

Dr. Faulkner’s assessments are not merely “his point of view”.

All levels of government should be concerned with microwave radiation

The Cowichan Valley Citizens for Safe Technology has been tracking scientific studies on the biological effects of microwave radiation (MW) for 10 years.

Recently, it has become obvious to us that hundreds of scientific studies and cautions from physicians around the world attest that both ICNIRP and our own Safety Code 6 are inadequate protection from microwave radiation. I would like to make two points with regards to Mayor Phil Kent’s response to Dr. Faulkner’s observations.

First, RF (radiofrequency)/MW is a federal matter, but because RF/MW is a possible carcinogen, all levels of government need to make themselves aware, educate and protect the citizenry from its adverse effects.

Secondly, Dr. Faulkner’s assessments are not merely “his point of view”. The document titled: Appeals and International Declarations by Scientists and Professional Organizations, highlights many of the studies Dr. Faulkner has based his statements on. The declarations by scientists and physicians have been made with regard to the concern about the use of RF/MW and precautionary measures which need to be employed.

By way of an example, here is an excerpt from one of the 70 declarations. It is by the International Association of Fire Fighters. “Internationally acknowledged experts in the field of RF/MW radiation research have shown that RF/MW transmissions of the type used in digital cellular antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals and people in laboratories and have also found epidemiological evidence of serious health effects at “non-thermal” levels…and have found:

-an increase in cell growth of brain cancer cells

-a doubling of the rate of lymphoma in mice

-an increase in the number of tumours in rats

-an increase in single and double-strand breaks in DNA

-two to four times as many cancers in Polish soldiers exposed to RF

-more childhood leukemia in children exposed to RF

-changes in sleep patterns and REM type sleep

-headaches caused by RF/MW exposure

-neurological changes…”

The list goes on and is quite lengthy.

Please do pay attention to what scientists are saying — our health and our well-being is at stake.

Dorothea Siegler

Cowichan Station