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Berkey’s Corner development positive

I couldn’t help but respond to the negative feedback some citizens share towards this proposed development.

I couldn’t help but respond to the negative feedback some citizens share towards this proposed development.

This area west of the now antiquated railway, and for that matter many other areas within the Cowichan Valley, is long overdue for a facelift. For those short-sighted folk that are adamant on attempting to stifle positive change and development this community desperately needs, here’s a thought or two.

The last individual who wrote in talked of this approval process being implemented by those with no vision. Really? This would be the same folk that will complain about residential tax hikes yet don’t recognize positive development contributes to our tax base, thus relieving homeowners.

Oh and here’s another. Commercial development within your area won’t “depreciate” the value of your home, rather “appreciate”; this means you nicely equitize at the expense and risk of the developer. Not bad hey? Which also means you can sell your home for a greater value, and move as far west as you like into the dense forests of Vancouver Island and away from obnoxious and short-sighted developers/developments.

I’m in an industry where I recognize the influx of new residents from all over Canada moving to the valley and surrounding areas daily. Like it or not, that’s the way it is and will continue. We need sustainable industry, be it commercial, agricultural, tourism, donut shop, what have you, and as such vision and investment is required. Our neighbours to the north and south recognize this and are building at an exponential rate while we sit in the stone age arguing about a positive development in a tired and aging part of town.

So for the neighbour next to this “donut shop” relax, have an apple fritter, have two! Feel good about things; change is good, you’ll be just fine.

Excellent work, Mayor Jon Lefebure.


Charles Vorselaars

North Cowichan