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Climate protesters barking up wrong tree

Indeed, the UN does have a political agenda of depopulation and centralized global control.

Climate protesters barking up wrong tree

It’s great to see that so many young people care about the environment, but I’m disappointed to see how they’ve been misguided and are barking up the wrong tree.

The greenhouse gas most responsible for warming the globe is not carbon dioxide but water vapour, which is commonly known as “clouds.” Ice core samples show much higher C02 levels in the past before humans had cars, so why should we panic now when temperatures have risen less than one degree in 150 years?

Carbon is a primary component of all known life on Earth. We are carbon-based life forms breathing carbon dioxide on a carbon-based planet. So, why should we feel guilty and pay taxes on an imaginary carbon footprint?

Carbon dioxide is an important plant nutrient, which is why greenhouse growers use C02 generators to double their plant growth. So how could a greener world be a threat to our children’s future?

Climate alarmists should also know that the Supreme Court of British Columbia has now dismissed several defamation lawsuits brought against the highly accredited Canadian climatologist and author, Dr. Tim Ball by members of the UN’s IPCC. As Ball has found out, anyone who questions the pseudoscience faces fierce intimidation. He says “the science (of the IPCC) is premeditated and deliberately orchestrated to demonize CO2 for a political agenda.”

Indeed, the UN does have a political agenda of depopulation and centralized global control. Their Agenda for the 21st Century is the blueprint for world government and Agenda 2030 is their deadline. Last year UN climate alarmists began to warn us that we have only 12 years left and when we do the math it all makes sense: 2018 + 12 = 2030.

The LaRouche PAC’s report entitled, C02 Reduction is a Mass Murder Policy Designed by London City and Wall Street, says central banks are “greening the financial system” to shut down all industries worldwide that are not carbon neutral or carbon negative. Is this the mass extinction event that Greta Thunberg warns of? Survivors of the engineered collapse will be forced to accept higher taxation, drastically reduced living standards and a loss of freedom in the globalists’ Green New World Order Deal.

I don’t deny climate change, but we are not the cause. And there is no denying the fact that the “cult of consumerism” is harming Mother Earth. But, if we really care about future generations we must stop blaming carbon footprints and recognize that the true enemy is our own ignorance of the psychopathocracy that wants total control of humanity.

David Work

Lake Cowichan