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Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

Duncan Housing Society says they are just building on the parking lot of Centennial Park.

Sadly that means the city has to replace that parking lot. On park green space! And the city will also have to build a new access road off Second Street. Also on park green space! This grassy area is on the east edge of the park where there are trees to provide shade. Just grass they say. And what happens on that grass? Magic is what happens. Teenagers congregating, hanging out, playing and socializing on the edges of the park where they feel they have a private and safe place to hang out. Not in the middle of the park in the open. And yes, we want our teenagers to have this safe place to hang out.

What else happens? Seniors in groups having a chance to socialize with a sense of privacy while they seek respite under the trees. Please let’s not lose green space or magical happenings. Please city council, say no to building in the park.

A concerned citizen,

Karen Corrin
