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Duping delight and its implications in modern day politics

I donned my first tin foil hat on Nov. 22, 1963 when Kennedy was shot.

Duping delight and its implications in modern day politics

I donned my first tin foil hat on Nov. 22, 1963 when Kennedy was shot. Vice president Johnson was on the TV blaming Lee Harvey Oswald when my father erupted, “Look at that smirk on his face, he’s not telling the truth! The government is corrupt, son, but you’ll never hear that on the news!”

It was then, at the tender age of five, that I got my first indoctrination on what I now know as “fake news,” the “deep state,” and “duping delight,” although my father did not use those terms. “Duping delight” is what psychologists call “that smirk.” It’s when one is so delighted by duping others that one literally cannot wipe that smirk off one’s face.

Many years passed and I forgot all about Johnson’s smirk until Sept. 11, 2001, “the day the world changed forever.” Then I recognized it again on president Bush’s face as he identified Osama Bin Laden as the mastermind of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Those of us who have investigated “the big conspiracy” may never know who really shot Kennedy, or who and what brought down the trade towers, but we do know when the official narrative does not line up with the evidence. We know when we are being duped.

Now, fast forward to 2020, COVID-19 and smirking billionaire “philanthropist,” Bill Gates (with lots of money but no medical credentials) telling us that, “Normalcy will only return when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” He also thinks everyone should be digitally tagged and tracked, for our own protection, of course. Oddly enough, he never mentions his substantial investments in vaccines, patents, test kits and implantable microchips. Did you or I elect him to represent us, or did God die and leave him in charge?

Justin Trudeau plans to keep us all under house arrest until there is a vaccine. Is this Canada, or are we living in communist China or Castro’s Cuba? What happened to our right to informed consent?

Dupe me once, shame on you. Dupe me twice, shame on me.

David Work

Lake Cowichan