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Furstenau out of touch with reality

We must be realistic about the world we live in

Furstenau out of touch with reality

Sonia Furstenau’s February 2020 campaign platform, recently published in the Citizen, appears to lack all relation to the real world and is, at best, a lesson in daydreams. We must be realistic about the world we live in and her flowery promises, based on an imaginary world, don’t reflect the economic reality of our everyday lives.

Several questions come to mind. Does her definition of a “healthy economy” represent free enterprise or a workforce captured by higher authorities? Is it a corporate welfare system or healthy competitiveness in a free enterprise framework? What exactly is her “economic environment,” and what do her “smart risk takers” look like? She doesn’t really say, does she?

Who are these anonymous fossil fuel investors sounding “climate change” alarm bells, and if it is so manifest, why are they anonymous? Most importantly, where will all the money come from for guaranteed incomes, supplemental housing and a four-day work week? Will that 20 per cent reduction in work week correspond to a 20 per cent reduction in current wages, and if not, who picks up the slack?

How does she plan to “scale up social programs” with a finite taxpayer base? More debt, more taxes? Mysterious terms like a “comprehensive suite of plans” aren’t explained, probably because they can’t be. Frankly, we’ve heard all this before. “Just vote for me, and I’ll work out the details later.” It appears that Ms. Furstenau’s platform is just another example of a government bureaucrat trying to control everyone’s lives under the guise of “caring” while promising an impossible utopian vision designed to lure them in to buy their votes.

Diane Moen
