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Grave consequences to four more Harper years

Dear Mr. Harper: I am writing to you after spending much time weighing out my concerns in this upcoming election.

Dear Mr. Harper: I am writing to you after spending much time weighing out my concerns in this upcoming election. In the past I have cast my vote quite confidently for the Conservative candidate in my riding, with hopes of getting you as our nation’s leader. Your composed demeanour and intelligent approach to the issues affecting this country helped convince me. Unfortunately there are too many reasons not to vote Conservative this time around, leaving me worried.

The dilemma of course is that while I like you and respect your many talents, I have serious reservations with respect to your policies and politics. Mr. Prime Minister, I simply cannot support leadership that safeguards corruption. It is the biggest reason why I broke from the Liberals and voted for you in the first place. On top of that, your government’s decision to divert funds away from the health care system directly impacts not only me (as a B.C. teacher) but every child receiving an education across this great country. These are extremely fragile systems that can’t afford any further cuts to them, and yet that is exactly what your party has set in motion. Along with many other policies that have placed short-sighted gains at the expense of long-term objectives, voting Conservative could simply be too costly, I’m afraid. A secure economy without strong investments into the areas that matter most, will only profit the few. With health care, education, and the environment in jeopardy, our future appears bleak.

Truthfully the alternatives are not any more reassuring. Yet with all that is at stake, I fervently believe that four more years of Conservative politics could have grave consequence to the Canada I want preserved. If nothing else, I hope this letter reaches you and inspires some deep reflection on these critical and pressing issues. Issues that need redress for today AND tomorrow. For the good of EVERYONE!


Mariann Leva

Shawnigan Lake