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Homeless, illegal dumping and the weir

The users of this largesse are never asked to perform or improve personal hygiene

Homeless, illegal dumping and the weir

I read through the letters, with the aid of a jaundiced eye, how with the CVRD bank account, small incentives may curb illegal dumping, add to this plans for some modular housing for the homeless…oh I have been remiss not mentioning the handling of needles, (disposal) in cleaning up the result of this generosity.

I forgot to mention that the users of this largesse are never asked to perform or improve personal hygiene; is it possible, that to receive this donation, that they may be asked to give generously of their time and labour?

One other thing is, that old horse chestnut; the weir at the lake’s outlet.

Perhaps those who built up to the waterline of the lake may now consider the good of other citizens and promote a raising of the lake level by some 30 inches?

As you realize, much population growth has taken place since 1956 with the resultant increase of water consumption, that has not been addressed in any useful manner by the CVRD.

Perhaps the local tribes can offer some suitable suggestions to improve this problem, after all the returning salmon are a prime source of their survival, is it not so?

George Manners

Cowichan Bay