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Letter: Ban cell phones in classrooms

Last year, I urged our board to ban cell phones

Ban cell phones in classrooms

Dear Cowichan School District 79 board of trustees:

I strongly urge our wise trustees to adopt the same prudent policy for Cowichan’s schools as now reportedly in force under Belmont High School’s directive.

That cogently needed policy concerning in-class phone use is explained in a story by the Goldstream News Gazette.

Last year, I urged our board to ban cell phones — as Cowichan’s private schools have done — from our public schools due to various learning disruptions, potential cheating, plus aiding some students who may use cell phones to avoid real learning.

These ideas have also been written about by Cowichan’s former school-superintendent Geoff Johnson in his respected Victoria Times Colonist education column.

Our education ministry stated to me such constructive cell phone policies fall on local school boards such as Cowichan’s — as indeed also confirmed in this timely newspaper article.

I optimistically anticipate our open-minded board’s cell phone ban policy being in place as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

Yours in eduation,

Peter W. Rusland

North Cowichan