In his letter to the editor published on Nov. 20, 2024, Cowichan Valley Conservative candidate of record John Koury makes the ridiculous claim that “we will continue to build our relations with First Nations in the valley to earn their vote based on mutual respect and understanding."
On their page promoting “Economic Reconciliation,” the B.C. Conservative Party posted quotes attributed to Nisga’a Elder Dr. Joseph Gosnell and claim to be committed to realizing his vision.
On Oct. 2, 2024, the Nisga’a Lisims Government issued a statement condemning the unauthorized use of quotations by Dr. Gosnell and references to his legacy without permission from his family or from the Nisga’a nation. Almost two months later the quote is still up on the B.C. Conservative website.
My question to John Koury is: how can you and your party build relationships with First Nations when you don’t ask, and when you don’t listen?
Jaro Welz