Stay in your lane
I would like to respectfully disagree with the writer of the letter who claimed that the director of Camp Qwanoes is somehow “gaslighting” society. In the comments I’ve read, Mr. Bayley does not seem at all to be aggressive; rather he sounds like someone under duress (school districts discontinuing business with the camp) who is simply explaining his side of the issue. He is claiming that the camp has a right to religious freedom in the hiring of its workers.
I certainly hope so. I truly want those who embrace religion to have their freedoms protected in this country, whether or not that religion is mine.
The writer of this letter sounds as rigid and critical of those with different views than their own as the “sanctimonious” people that they are criticizing. I believe the writer has the absolute right to disagree with the belief system of the camp, but how is it OK to personally attack Mr. Bayley for explaining his rationale?
With the excellent reputation of the camp, I think Mr. Bayley has shown the community over the years just how to get along, despite differing beliefs.
Can we please all just take a deep breath, and stay in our own lanes?
H. Wilson
Cobble Hill