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Lots of positive things going on in the world

Knowledge is most useful when shared.

Lots of positive things going on in the world

I want to thank Tony Odo for his letter to the editor on Nov. 27.

There is a lot of room for improvement in our world, such as: treating it and its inhabitants with more respect, achieving true democracy and increasing global education. Tony points out that the world is a much better place than the media would have us believe.

If someone asked you what is the state of women’s education, how would you answer? If you answered it has never been better and there are almost as many women as men being educated in the third world you would be correct but almost no one does. As a matter of fact women may surpass men in third world education in my life time. Very cool. But don’t trust me. There are two very good sources out there for more information on this subject and other more optimistic outlooks. One is the Intelligent Optimist, if you add .com you can learn more. They will tell you about what “good” is happening in the world. And there is lots!

The other is Factfulness; a book by Swedish statistician Hans Rosling with his son Ola Rosling and daughter-in-law Anna Rosling Rönnlund. Hans is unfortunately no longer with us, however, his knowledge and his book is and a very good read for those who want to actually know what is going on and not blindly trust global media.

There is lots of information out there and you sometimes have to dig for it but as someone famous once said, “The truth is out there.”

If your readers know of other sources of what is good and positive in our world can you ask them to let the rest of us know? Knowledge is most useful when shared. Thanks again Tony.

Kevin Clancy

Shawnigan Lake