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Pharmaceutical corporations and their influence

The facts are NOT ALLOWED to speak for themselves.

Pharmaceutical corporations and their influence

Re: vaccine debate

The facts are NOT ALLOWED to speak for themselves.

Recently, the WHO (World Health Organization) reported that “vaccine hesitancy” (the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate) is now among the top 10 health threats facing the world in 2019. But is it really a threat to world health or just a threat to corporate profits? Perhaps there is a very good reason why many hesitate to drink the globalist Kool-Aid?

Pharmaceutical corporations are some of the most profitable companies in the world and have a powerful influence on politicians and lawmakers, spending more on campaign contributions than any other industry. In return, governments allow studies concerning vaccines and their health impacts to be funded and conducted by the very companies that create them and profit from their sales. But any “quack” that comes to conclusions that would be bad advertising for the industry has funding removed, reputations and careers ruined or worse.

Big Pharma depends on “herd mentality” as it controls the narrative in our education system to further increase profits. Paid-for research articles dominate medical journals that are used by educators to teach doctors about pharmaceuticals.

Big Pharma also has a cozy relationship with media corporations that are highly dependent upon pharmaceutical advertising. This explains why reporting ALWAYS favours positions supported by industry and government but NEVER any position contrary to the interests of their advertisers.

In the recent editorial, “The facts speak for themselves: get vaccinated.” The editor claims that parents choose not to vaccinate due to fear and claims that “many of these fears… have been thoroughly discredited.” Yet, hundreds of studies and articles written by credible doctors and medical researchers contradict that claim. Are ALL of these doctors just “quacks” as the pro-vaccination camp would have us believe? Do all of these anti-vaccination parents suffer from delusion? Or is this latest measles “scare tactic” just damage control because corporations are losing money as more and more doctors and parents wake up? A corporate Hegelian dialectic designed to strip away our parental rights and the principle of informed consent? We’ve been divided and WHO will conquer.

When both sides of the argument accuse the other of spreading myths and disease; when we have a business partnership of government, media and corporations suppressing information that would affect profits; how can the average person know whose “myth” to believe? Until the OTHER side of the story can be told; until we can have an honest and open public debate that is not drowned out by corporate propaganda and media hype; “the facts (cannot) speak for themselves” and parents will continue to hesitate.

David Work

Lake Cowichan