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Protestors in the wrong

The only way politicians seem to deal with it is to throw more money at it.

Protestors in the wrong

There are a lot of people, well educated people out there that don’t seem to have a problem with those people that are protesting various pipelines, blocking roads, railways, and seaports, or anything else that will cause inconvenience to the public. They cite everything, no treaties, no residential schools. In their minds, they think that the Indigenous people have been getting the short end of the stick for a very long time.

The only way politicians seem to deal with it is to throw more money at it. That has been proven to be a waste of time, as the money has ended up in the wrong hands. Some of these problems were on the way to being solved when the Harper Conservatives were going to bring the Indigenous groups on to the carpet to explain where government money went and what was the money spent on. There were many cases of misuse of government money. All history, now. Why?

Wham, the Conservatives lose the election to golden boy, Justin Trudeau, and all chaos breaks lose. Trudeau changes the policy to all Indigenous and Native groups no longer having to be accountable for money given by the federal government. Those on the side of the protestors are wrong, stone cold wrong, with not a leg to stand on.

There is a democratic right to a public protest. OK to stand in a public place and state your message. You can do that with banners, flyers, and words.

Protest outside Parliament, no problem, constitutionally legal. Blocking access to the legislature, not allowed. Protesting outside a train station, legal, blocking trains, not allowed.

What are we missing here? A prime minister with the courage and the will to stop these illegal protests. He fiddles while Rome burns.


Joe Sawchuk
