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Push by right-wing pundits against Thunberg

When someone such as D. B. Lowe uses George Soros as the bogey man…

Push by right-wing pundits against Thunberg

When someone such as D. B. Lowe uses George Soros as the bogey man then you know that person is into the same kind of right-wing conspiracy theories that are the bread and butter of online trolls. Yes, and what about Clinton’s emails, can’t forget those.

I hope D. B. Lowe doesn’t make use of our universal health care as that is a socialist concept. Old age pensions are, too. I could go on but why bother as someone that believes their conspiracy theories doesn’t understand that they live in an alternative world that defies comprehension. For the record, I believe in a mixed economy that works for society and not just the corporations.

There has been a real push by right-wing pundits against the brilliant young girl from that socialist country, Sweden, you know, the country consistently voted the best place to live in the world. To their credit — sarcasm on my part — D. B. Lowe is in good company such as Bernier of the PPC who says there is no climate emergency, Fox News, Tom Fletcher of Black Press fame, and Donald Trump. All people who deny the inconvenience of science and think the world can continue being polluted itself to death.

Not all opinions have equal value. I will take the fact-based evidence of 98 per cent of actual climate scientists over the misinformed, politically driven, opinions that are based on pseudoscience at best and are a dangerous distraction which give aid and comfort to those supporting fossil fuel over a sustainable planet.

We can have economic growth, but we can’t continue to support old technologies and old ideas about what that means.

I think Greta Thunberg has said it best about people like D. B. Lowe when she asked why adults spend their time mocking and threatening teenagers and children for promoting science.

Greta Thunberg for a Nobel Peace Prize!

Robert T. Rock

Mission City