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Safety ambassadors to be security guards?

Roust them to where? Moving the problem won’t solve it.

Safety ambassadors to be security guards?

It’s too early for Halloween and April Fools Day has passed so I’m hard pressed to understand the genesis of this latest initiative from the City of Duncan.

The City recently issued a Request for Proposals for a contractor to provide one full time and three part time “Safety Ambassadors” to patrol the TCH between Beverly Street and Boys Road. The RFP makes no mention of what or who the ambassadors will be patrolling for or what they are to do with them if they find them.

Reading between the politically correct lines and euphemisms, it would appear that the City is considering hiring some security guards to roust the panhandlers, addicts and mentally challenged who frequent the area. Roust them how? By reasoning with them? Roust them to where? Moving the problem won’t solve it.

Drew Dangerfield
