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Sexual thoughts and feelings are natural as people grow up

It is completely natural for males and females, after reaching puberty, to have sexual thoughts

Sexual thoughts and feelings are natural as people grow up

Re: “Blaming girls’ clothing for boys’ behaviour dangerous nonsense”, (Citizen, March 20).

Though this recent editorial is correct to point out the sexist, backward thinking that purports a girl/woman must make themselves responsible for a boy/man’s behaviour, the author also has some backward thinking that should be addressed. The author states “We really hoped we were past the point where girls are being taught that they are responsible for the impure thoughts of boys.”

It is completely natural for males and females, after reaching puberty, to have sexual thoughts and feelings. Labeling these as “impure,” ie., morally wrong, is just as backward as the statements made by the school trustees and leads to an unhealthy view on sex.

David Reid
