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Smart meters to be forced on everyone?

Why is our federal government not informing the Canadian public about the “strong carcinogen”?

Smart meters to be forced on everyone?

A reliable source mentioned that BC Hydro has plans to swap off the rest of the analogues and digital meters for smart meters. Even my almost new digital meter may have expired and need replacing. Really?

Important to note is that at the press conference in March 2018 at one of the largest cancer institutes in the world, the Ramazzini Institute in Bologna, Italy, the lead scientist said that all microwave radiation (from phones, towers, wi-fi, Ipads etc.) is “strongly carcinogenic”, that all such devices should be turned off when not in use, and that “no new infrastructure using this microwave radiation should be installed given the findings”. When I phoned the BC Utilities Commission today to ask if they could help me in my choice not to use smart meters in my home, the person replied that the Clean Energy Act of BC issued directions which prohibits the BC Utilities Commission from preventing BC Hydro from installing smart meters.

Do we live in a democracy in B.C.? And, more importantly than that, why is our federal government not protecting us from radiation, and why is it not informing the Canadian public about the “strong carcinogen”? We must inform ourselves and petition the federal government to heed the call of scientists rather than the lobbyists of the telecommunications industry.

Dorothea Siegler

Cowichan Station