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Socialism and communism failures

Some people imagine that only socialists possess social conscience, but clearly this is misguided.

Socialism and communism failures

Re: Social conscience, socialism and other ‘isms’ to ponder.

We all possess a degree of social conscience. Ideally, we learn the constructs by an early age to differentiate right from wrong.

For example, a child protecting another from a bully is demonstrating social conscience. The bully is not. Social conscience varies and evolves.

For example, today most believe that human trafficking violates human rights, but in some countries, human rights remain limited.

At times in history, slavery was considered a legitimate result of war. Thankfully, most countries have evolved higher social conscience.

Some people imagine that only socialists possess social conscience, but clearly this is misguided.

On paper socialism has appeal. In its ideal state, there is no private property because all is state-owned. Everyone works for the state and in return the state cares for citizens from ‘cradle to grave’. This sounds good until you realize that socialism has failed in every county where it was imposed. The lack of free enterprise eventually kills motivation. Why work harder for zero return? With few at the top controlling resources, rampant corruption inevitably bankrupts the country, as seen recently in Venezuela. Still, socialism is glamorized as ‘free health care, free housing and free education’. Inevitably, all that ‘free stuff’ results in sacrificing personal freedoms. People want freedom; the freedom to work, travel and live in peace with the fewest government controls possible.

Under communism, citizens also suffer dictatorships such as Cuba’s Castro, and tentacles of the Chinese government. Under communism, the overlords dictate what is permissible speech and who may say it. There is one, well funded, state run news media that touts the party line. When citizens disagree and speak out, they are labelled, ostracized and possibly fined or jailed. The state controls speech. There is no democratic process or accountability. Leaders spend tax money freely. They implement laws, but at times flaunt breaking the laws. The state decides who gets certain jobs, licences and right to own firearms. They decide which groups and religions are granted more privileges. The state dictates who enters the country, even above citizens’ concerns. At times, leaders pursue positions that have no relevance or benefit for citizens. Leaders appear regularly to assure citizens about the great job they are doing. Criticism is quickly shut down. Taxes are raised.

Despite claims as ‘the great equalizer’, socialist and communist leaders live incredibly decadent lives, with multiple luxurious homes (renovated at taxpayers’ expense) and become fabulously wealthy while in power, as do their friends. They freely travel while others may not. Once in power, leaders totally disregard their mandate to ’serve the citizens’ and do all to remain in power as long as possible. When examining the direction of Canada over the past four years, and over the past few months, which ‘ism’ are we experiencing?

Simone Black
