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Taxpayer daycare subsidizing corporations

Taxpayer subsidized daycare is yet another form of corporate welfare.

Taxpayer daycare subsidizing corporations

Re: Taxpayer subsidized child daycare

There have been several letters deriding taxpayer subsidized daycare, and I, too, agree, that the regular taxpayer should not be covering childcare but not for the same reasons — taxpayer subsidized daycare is yet another form of corporate welfare.

Some have complained that we are not in a “socialist” society, ignoring the fact we have taxpayer subsidized schools, healthcare, pensions, police, firefighters, infrastructure, etc. — all forms of socialism.

Government subsidized daycare is socialism for the rich corporations, allowing them to continue to pay their workers less than their labour is worth so that they can keep even more of the profits for themselves and their investors.

If people were paid what their labour is actually worth, or even just a living wage, then they would have enough money to pay for daycare with no government subsidies.

Just another example of rich corporations downloading their costs on to the regular taxpayer while they reap all the benefits. Corporate welfare at its finest, and being sold to the public as some great change for the better.

David Reid
