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The inconvenient truth about climate change

The “carbon footprint” a clever way to use guilt and fear to gain public acceptance for their agenda

The inconvenient truth about climate change

It’s true that the climate is changing for everything in nature, and indeed the cosmos, is always changing. The only thing that does not change, that remains constant throughout time, is truth itself. This is why the “scientific method” is used to prove or disprove a hypothesis. An experiment is repeated under controlled conditions. If the same outcome is achieved every time, then the theory is validated and can be considered true. If not, it must be rejected or revised.

The “inconvenient truth” is that global warming is a hypothesis yet to be proven. Scientists who adhere to the scientific method warn that the new pseudoscience of climate change is based on computer modeling, not real world observations and therefore cannot produce accurate predictions. And, the focus on C02 leaves too many variables that are not being factored in to the equation.

For example, in recent decades the north magnetic pole has left the Arctic causing Greenland’s glaciers to melt as it moves away towards Russia at a rate of 50km a year. In Antarctica, the icecap is melting on one side while accumulating on the other. Also, the planet’s resonant frequency has doubled and the protective magnetic fields have begun to weaken allowing more solar radiation to penetrate. The shifting poles and redistribution of weight causes Earth’s wobble to increase and the disruption of established weather patterns.

But why would globalists and their big “news” corporations ignore the signs of an approaching geomagnetic reversal and continue to peddle the C02 theory as the gospel truth? Because the “carbon footprint” is a clever way to use guilt and fear to gain public acceptance for their agenda of population reduction and centralized global control.

A globalist think tank comprised of UN bureaucrats, politicians, diplomats, scientists, economists and industrialists from around the globe, admitted in 1991 that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The globalists want to put the blame on you and I, instead of the multinational corporations that destroy nature and displace indigenous peoples to make way for more resource extraction. They have manufactured a problem (human caused climate change) to cause a reaction (public demands for action) that calls for a solution (Agenda 21/Green New Deal) that was waiting in the wings all along.

David Work

Lake Cowichan