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There are no hidden meanings

Like some fundamentalist trying to find satanic messages by playing rock albums backwards.

There are no hidden meanings

Re: “No, B.C. couldn’t behave like the Chinese government” (March 11)

I think I’m starting to see what the problem is, here. Mr. Rock has tagged himself in from Dara Quast and it’s become clear that the issue is, neither of them read plain sentences like they’re meant to be read, because they’re too busy trying to find hidden meanings, like some fundamentalist trying to find satanic messages by playing rock albums backwards.

I don’t know if they both learned to read with “whole word” method readers (such as Dick and Jane) in elementary school, or if they’re so indoctrinated into their ideology that they can only read things using the lens of the mindset of trying to ‘decode’ hidden meanings. Whatever the case, it’s clear they overcomplicate what they’re reading in their own minds.

Give it up, there’s no hidden meanings in my words. Accusations of gaslighting are cute given both of them appear to do so on a regular basis, spinning meanings out of words that weren’t originally there, and pretending that’s what someone else meant. Either that or they’re using a different definition of ‘gaslighting’. Maybe I should use smaller, less complicated words? Would that help?

Whatever goes on in the United States, Trump or no Trump, what are we as Canadians living in Canada supposed to do about that? I’m just saying the fixation is unhealthy — there’s a word for it, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” — especially given we haven’t got any power to do anything about what happens there. That’s my only point in that regard. If we all lived there and had a say in their elections or even the means to physically intervene against a fascist attack, that would be different. No sense tying yourself up in knots over things you have no control over.

April J. Gibson
