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We must get the homeless off the streets

Leaving the homeless on the streets to fend for themselves is not good enough.

We must get the homeless off the streets

Homelessness in the Cowichan Valley is nothing short of a crisis in our region. Our community needs to find a solution, but we find ourselves with a growing sense of frustration and helplessness.

Homelessness occurs for a variety of reasons but regardless of the circumstances leaving the homeless on the streets to fend for themselves is not good enough. A solution must be found.

All levels of government must address this challenge with more effective laws so local communities can assist the destitute in our society. Current band aid attempts with infrequent intervention by volunteers who want to help is not an effective response for the long term.

Working together we must help the homeless, the drug addicts and the neighbourhood criminals and provide them a chance for a productive life, while at the same time, preventing the slow decline and destruction of our local communities.

Many Canadians enjoy a good standard of living, including British Columbians and many of us in the Cowichan Valley. Surely we can find a way to get the less fortunate off the streets and provide opportunities to help them turn their lives around.

Roger Bruce
