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Will Shawnigan turn into Flint, Mich. with water woes?

So, can we expect the same thing here in Shawnigan Lake as has happened in Flint, Mich.?

So, can we expect the same thing here in Shawnigan Lake as has happened in Flint, Mich.?

After the Christy Clark government allows Shawnigan Lake water to be contaminated by a private company, will it be “sorry” all around and Christy delivering bottled water? Is that what all these families who depend on Shawnigan Lake as their only water source have to look forward to?

It is disgusting what Christy Clark has allowed to happen and what’s even worse is she is to proud to admit her terrible mistake. A better premier would find it in themselves to undo this wrong.


D’Arcy Rattray

Mill Bay