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Would any odour from biogas be heavier or lighter than air?

Maybe we could get the local users of wood stoves to reduce their usage.

Would any odour from biogas be heavier or lighter than air?

Re: Lafortune Road biogas plant

The comments from Ms. Weston [Will odour from biogas plant collect like smoke? Citizen online, Aug. 30] are thought provoking to say the least. As smoke from a wood stove is lighter than air it will rise and drift with the wind. If the biogas should produce any type of odour, will they be heavier or lighter than air?

Maybe we could get the local users of wood stoves to reduce their usage. This could make nighttime walks more pleasant and also reduce the amount of pollutants the wood stoves push into the atmosphere.

That small step plus the biogas plant would create a win/win situation for everyone in the area.

Myles Anderson

Cobble Hill