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You should read, understand before you comment

I take issue with your comments regarding the media site called The Rebel .

You should read, understand before you comment

To [Alistair] MacGregor, [MP]:

I take issue with your comments regarding the media site called The Rebel. You state “Some of the intolerance and racism we see in Canada is finding home in professional journalism…”

I recommend you review the site and check out all their articles. I recommend that you make an attempt to understand what the principles of the Rebel site stand for. You would be better able to present arguments as to why you agree or disagree with them. I would also recommend you read last Saturday’s comments by Ezra Levant, Rebel leader, and comments by Conrad Black in the National Post.

Before you make hateful, misleading statements as you have in the above article, perhaps you should consider what others are really trying to put to the Canadian public.

Bill Thorp

Maple Bay