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Sure, you can build it - just not in my backyard

NIMBY: A person who objects to the siting of something perceived as unpleasant in their own neighbourhood.

Working people deserve a livable wage

Social Planning Cowichan calculates that the difference between a living wage and minimum wage for a couple in Cowichan is $34,777.

All the fault of our political representatives

The real question is, how was such a contract even justified?

Fire accountability should be a priority

It has been about a year since the wildfires at Skutz Falls and Lizard Lake. No responsible party[s] has been named or identified.
LETTER: U.S. foundations protecting salmon

LETTER: U.S. foundations protecting salmon

Representative of Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation says it doesn't support efforts to stop oil and gas development

Something must be done about Duncan’s ‘tent town’

We have our own tent town going on. Every time I grab a smoothie I have to navigate my way through tent town where residents live rent-free.

Sunfest ready for business after big move

There’s plenty of excitement surrounding Sunfest this year.

Addicts should have to show improvement

A couple of letters in regard to the fiscal problems besetting our health care system have piqued my curiosity
BC VIEWS: Housing ‘crisis’ decades in the making

BC VIEWS: Housing ‘crisis’ decades in the making

Expo 86, and later the Vancouver Olympics, were designed to put B.C. and Vancouver on the world map

More shame, less recycling

It was predictable that once the profit driven multinationals took over our recycling program they would restrict our recyclable content.