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Crofton mill a worse culprit than burning

The daily Crofton mill emissions make the Great Wood Burning Debate look like a backyard Sunday barbecue squabble.

Communities in Bloom doing outstanding job

This is in part a letter that I have been meaning to send for the past four years.

Fixing train tracks would take too much money

Quite different from the value of a good train service, I have no confidence that the rail service on the Island can ever be successful.

Modest salaries stretching our households

It’s easy to see why in most couples, both people choose to work.

All aboard the E&N rail plan? I don’t think so

This project has been in the works for 20-plus years and nothing visible has happened.

Burning ban about urban migrants’ wants

As a year-round cyclist that does a lot of miles per week in the area, I am far more concerned with the diesel exhaust

Berkey’s development a shift into reverse

Members of the public expressed many constructive ideas relevant to change that will benefit the lives of our children

Cowichan Valley audience cool in a crisis

I was at the Cowichan Theatre on March 21 to see a film when a fire alarm went. I was so impressed with the audience reaction.
BC VIEWS: Why so cheap with the poor?

BC VIEWS: Why so cheap with the poor?

Despite their frequent demands for more, no one should understand them better than the B.C. NDP

Your kid’s teacher on the chopping block

So when will the bleeding finally stop? When will the cuts be deep enough?