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Congratulations Area E on saying “no” to pool AAP

When the CVRD board wants to hide a new tax on residents they use the Alternate Approval Process (AAP)

We need electoral reform in Canada

If a form of proportional representation had been in effect the numbers of seats won by each party would have been something like this:

Gas prices up, oil prices down

How dare the oil companies put gas up when the price of oil is going down.

Petition signed by this Area E pool user: here’s why

As an Area E resident with two school age children who love the pool, I would like to share my perspective for why I signed the petition

Inappropriate to endorse candidate

I did not vote for my area representative to then go on to endorse publicly Mr. MacGregor.

Government has chance to bring in reform

We use the flawed first-past-the-post system to determine our representatives in Parliament, and it’s never been the best system.

Mention problem oils to your favourite vendors

I have just become aware that some of my favourite baked good stalls are using either canola (a genetically modified crop) and/or palm oil

Is recycling really better than trashing it?

I am a big fan of recycling, but have increasingly come to question the reality of the true costs.

CVRD sucking money out of residents

Once again the CVRD is going to try and suck more money out of the residents of the Cowichan Valley. Watch for it folks.

Private garbage collection satisfactory

I am completely satisfied with the garbage and compostables (organic) collection service provided by the current private contractor