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Stories unite Canadians on homelessness action: UBC study

Stories unite Canadians on homelessness action: UBC study

A University of British Columba study says Canadians value stories over statistics
Late 2019 too long to wait for ridesharing: B.C. Conservatives

Late 2019 too long to wait for ridesharing: B.C. Conservatives

“While the rest of the world is embracing this transportation revolution, B.C. is only now staggering slowly toward legislation on a business model that’s been mainstreamed for over a decade in other jurisdictions.”
Snow arrives in Okanagan

Snow arrives in Okanagan

First white stuff of the season falling Friday morning; won’t be around long
BC Conservatives want in on electoral reform debate

BC Conservatives want in on electoral reform debate

Interim leader Scott Anderson of Vernon says all parties should be included, not just NDP, Liberals
BC Conservatives begin leadership race

BC Conservatives begin leadership race

Interim leader Scott Anderson of Vernon has said he’ll not seek elected leadership of party
B.C. man remains kicked out of pickleball association after feud plays out in court

B.C. man remains kicked out of pickleball association after feud plays out in court

In a judgement handed down Oct. 23 in Supreme Court by Justice Sheri Ann Donegan, Lane Roberts’ claim against the association was dismissed in its entirety.
Stunting rapper killed in skydiving accident

Stunting rapper killed in skydiving accident

Man, 34, dies in skydiving accident Saturday near Westwold, between Vernon and Kamloops
The People’s Party of Canada general meeting tonight in Vernon

The People’s Party of Canada general meeting tonight in Vernon

Tonight’s event is set for Schubert Center at 3503 30 Ave. starting at 6:30 p.m.
B.C.-based RCMP Appreciation Day petition gathering steam

B.C.-based RCMP Appreciation Day petition gathering steam

Vernon group wants Feb. 1 declared RCMP Appreciation Day in B.C.
Vernon hosts informational meeting on Canada’s newest political party

Vernon hosts informational meeting on Canada’s newest political party

The People’s Party of Canada launched Friday; info meeting Monday, 6:30 p.m., Village Green Hotel