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Finding inspiration: Fred Konkung

At the age of 90 Fred Konkung is still out there wanting to make a difference
Fred Konkung.

At the age of 90, after having lived a full life with its share of joys and challenges, Fred Konkung is still out there wanting to make a difference, wanting to lend his hand and his time to making this community a better, caring place to live.

You will see him around town or at special events, in his mobile wheelchair, fundraising for three organizations. The Wheels for Wellness Society helps people on southern Vancouver Island who do not have transportation get to and from important health related appointments. Konkung is fundraising to help them get a van with an electric lift for wheelchairs. The Seniors for Community Foundation runs the Supported Transportation for Seniors program with local volunteer drivers, the Seniors Service Directory, Meals on Wheels and the local Brain Fitness Program.

Konkung lost his first wife to MS, so in addition to working to make life easier for the elderly locally, he is also collecting funds for the MS Society. Donations of $20 will be registered and can be used for income tax deduction.

Stop and take the time to share a greeting or a story, make a donation if you can. Not only will it be uplifting, but Konkung is teaching that everyone has something they can offer.