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Take a few moments to mark Aboriginal Day

National Aboriginal Day is Tuesday, June 21 and the Cowichan Valley School District is urging everyone to take note.

National Aboriginal Day is Tuesday, June 21 and the Cowichan Valley School District is urging everyone to take note.

“We are very fortunate here in the Cowichan Valley to live, work and play on the ancient traditional lands of the Stzuminus, Penelakut, Lyackson, Halalt, Cowichan Tribes, Lake Cowichan and Malahat Nations,” a release by the district said this week.

Because it’s enriching to look at the cultures and contributions made by the area’s First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities, it’s a great idea to visit a public library and take out a book by an indigenous author, check out CBC’s 8th Fire or even challenge yourself to learn a Hul’qumi’num word or phrase, the district urges.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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